Go Deep (or not) in Conversation
The number one Club Tread trade secret is that when you hop in the pool, and you are face to face with your fellow treadheads, you can fall into great conversation and not even realize what an amazing workout you are getting. Time will fly!
We have a few juicy conversation prompts to get you started, promote bonding, or simply keep you all distracted and entertained. And, we’ll keep them coming!
1. “The Six”
This is a Club Tread fave, and can absolutely span over several tread sessions. It's recommended for close friends, but totally dependent on your comfort level. “The Six” is a structured conversation that prompts each treadhead to provide a life update on six different categories: 1. Friends, 2. Family, 3. Love, 4. Health/Body Image, 5. Finance, 6. Work/School/Professional Development.
We typically choose a category to begin with and allow each person to speak as long as they like, ask our questions, and continue onto the next person’s update. Updates range from short and sweet to one share that may last most of the tread period, if someone is really wishing to open up about a challenge. Occasionally, we add a twist in which each person sets a goal related to the category that we can all follow up with. There are no rules. You can make up your own categories.
If everyone does not get a chance to speak, just pick up where you left off next time you meet at the pool.
2. Pit and Peak of the week/year/decade
Also known as “rose and thorn’, or “high and low”. Pick a period of time, such as the past week, the summer, the past year, etc and take turns sharing what has been a real highlight, and what has been a real challenge. Take your time, ask each other questions and let the conversation unfold.
3. Love Languages
Does anyone know what their love language is? Discussing your love language, or the love language of your partner – both giving and receiving - can be a fun way to pass the time. If you don’t know about the 5 love languages, take a quiz online, like this one.
4. Do you have a “sliding doors” event or moment?
Remember that movie with Gwenyth Paltrow, where we get to see two timelines of how her life plays out? One where she catches a train, and one where she misses it. Check in to see if anyone can pinpoint a seemingly inconsequential moment or event in their lives that took them on a completely different course? Ask them to imagine what their life may have looked like if that did not happen.
5. Therapy
We call this a Tread Therapy Sesh. While your body is getting a full workout, see if anyone is willing to share a breakthrough they’ve had in therapy or couples therapy? We’ve each picked up so many great communication tools and new perspectives by sharing therapy takeaways with each other.
6. Straight up habits and goals
Does anyone, or everyone, want to share a habit they are trying to cultivate or drop? How about sharing a SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, timebound) goal that we can all follow up with? It helps to share your goals with others who can check in with you, hold you accountable, or jump on your bandwagon. And don't forget to report back at the next tread.
7. Fringe Opinion
IF you feel like getting spicy, ask if anyone has a “fringe opinion” to share and get a lively conversation started. Vaccines, astrology, superstitions, aliens, afterlife, supplements, conspiracies, climate change, healthcare, AI…whatchu got??
When you want to keep it on the lighter side, we’ve got some great go-tos that need no further explanation.
What show, movie, podcast or book have you been consuming lately?
What travel plans do you have coming up? What trips and travel are on your bucket list?
What hobbies have you been getting into?
What are you having for dinner tonight? What have you been enjoying cooking or eating recently?
Where did you grow up and who were you in high school?
What holiday traditions do you have, or what traditions would you like to start?
These topics get a LOT of mileage and you can leave the pool with some inspiration. Remember to stay flexible and just allow the conversation to flow naturally. Any good conversation is sure to take your mind off the workout and leave you feeling connected.