Make Your Next Date a Trip to the Pool
In the grind of daily life, finding quality time with your spouse or partner can be challenging. Between work commitments, family responsibilities, and social obligations, you may find yourselves coexisting, but not really connecting. One energizing, efficient, and enjoyable way to reconnect is by setting up an exercise date. I’m talking about treading together, of course! You’ll be face-to-face, and you can each customize the intensity of your workout (i.e. add weights to the Club Tread vest, or skip a vest and grab a noodle).
When you exercise, your body releases endorphins and dopamine—those feel-good hormones that can elevate your mood and boost your mental clarity, creating a great opportunity for a productive check-in and meaningful conversation with your partner.
Here are some topics to consider while treading water with your partner:
Logistics check-in:
Touch base about upcoming plans and schedule to make sure you are on the same page. What does the weekly routine look like these days? Discuss how you divvy up domestic activities, and identify who is owning what tasks. How is it going? Communicating these details with one another is sure to set you both up for greater success.
Goals and Aspirations:
Share any personal and professional goals or ideas that have been brewing. Discuss how you can support each other in achieving your goals, whether it’s career-related, fitness-focused, or about personal growth.
Bucket List Ideas:
What travel destinations are on your bucket list? Dreaming about future adventures can create excitement, strengthen your bond, and really make the time fly. What action steps do you need to take in order to make this future trip a reality?
Traditions and Rituals:
Explore the traditions you want to establish together. The holidays are coming up. What really matters to you, and what just adds stress? Is there a weekly or monthly activity you want to put on the calendar and commit to?
Love Languages and Appreciation:
Have you ever discussed your love languages? If you’re not familiar with the 5 Love Languages, you’ll have to do a little homework first. It is so helpful to understand the ways in which your partner really feels appreciated, so you two can make that happen for each other.
Good ol’ Gratitude:
Take turns listing what you’re grateful for in your lives and in your relationship. We all know this one is scientifically proven to improve your mood and outlook.
Share memories:
Going down memory lane is another great way to make time fly and learn something new about each other. Pick an age, a grade, or a summer trip and let the memories start flowing. Who was your first kiss? What was your first car? What were your first impressions of each other when you met?
Enjoy the fruits of your labor
If you’ve got the time, go grab brunch or a little happy hour after the pool. Treading makes everything taste better. That’s a fact. Sit, relax, and enjoy the positive feelings generated through the exercise and connection.